Sunday, June 3, 2007

Only Connect ...

The Washington Post today (June 3) had an interesting article on neighborhood blogging, "Blogging on the Block". The Post interviewed a number of local neighborhood bloggers to see how and why they started, the type of material that they covered and other such topics. The thing that most interested me about the article was the following quote:
Want to vent? Make a community connection? Or even, dare we say it, make a difference? Neighborhood blogs -- an ever-evolving mix of journaling and journalism -- are an increasingly popular forum for helpful, often constructive discussions of the uber-local sort.
In Colonial Village where many of the residents work odd hours or just don't run into each other often, new tools such as blogs, listservs, webpages, allow them to connect in new and better ways. So just as a reminder, don't forget that you can find out more about - and connect to - our community at the following spots: As Evelyn Waugh enjoined at the start of his great novel - Howards End (1910) - "Only connect ..."

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